Your hasitly scrawled questions:
1. Research the following new weapons that are being used in the Great War and how they are changing the face of war in 1918. Weapons to explore: flamethrower, machine gun, submarine, airplane, and 3" mortar.
2. Explain what "no man's land" is and draw an illustration of it.
3. How is gas used as a biological weapon in the Great War? What types of gas are used, and what is their effects?
4. What is life like in the trenches for the typical German soldier?
5. Find a recipe that soldiers in the trenches sometimes followed to make food more attractive, edible, or appetizing.
6. Who is the Red Baron? Why is he famous? How does he die?
7. What is Schlieffen Plan, and is it working in 1917?
8. Explain how the Archduke's assassination is catalyst for the war.
9. Find Helen Burrey's 1917 journal. Summarize the information you find.
10. What is a dogfight? Explain it for someone who has never seen one.
11. Draw an illustration of a typical set of trenches used in France in WWI.
12. Explain the concept of "Pal Battalions" and evaluate whether or not they were a good strategy for the German and English armies.
You will be given a list of top secret internet sites which can provide the informaion needed. Only diligent and astute observers will ferret out the necessary information. Write all questions and answers in your trench journal. Using two colors of pens for questions and answers will be helpful.
***Before you finish your web quest, collect 2 or 3 pictures of World War I that you can print and place in your trench journal. You'll find thousands of pictures in your quest, so choose carefully.